
After submitting your return, if you find a mistake, you might need to revise it. The IRS may accept returns without some required documents or schedules and may rectify mathematical and clerical mistakes on a return. There is no need to modify your return in these circumstances. Nevertheless, if your filing status, income, deductions, credits, or tax liabilities have changed, you must file an updated return. To make changes to a previously submitted Form 1040, Form
1040-SR, Form 1040-A, Form 1040-EZ, Form 1040-NR, or Form 1040-NR-EZ, or to amend amounts previously adjusted by the IRS, use Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.
You can often file an updated tax return to change your filing status, add or adjust income, and claim or enable deductions or credits that you were not able to do on your original tax return.
Reporting the status of your correct filings.
Declaring more earnings, claiming more tax credits, reclaiming credits that were improperly claimed, recalculating credit amounts, reporting additional withholding, etc.
If you need assistance in filing your amendment tax return for any of the reasons below, contact Tax O CONSULTING.